San Gabriel Valley Alano Club
"The 502 Club"

Policies and Proceedures


Policy on Facility Rules and Conduct at SGVAC

Firearms and Weapons: No firearms or weapons are permitted within the SGVAC facility, except for law enforcement officers who are carrying out their duties under the authority of their position.
Illegal Drugs and Alcohol: The use or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited within the facility.
Physical Altercations: Any form of physical altercations between attendees of the SGVAC facility will not be tolerated.
Smoking and Tobacco Use: Smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco products are not allowed within the facility or in front of neighboring businesses.

Note: Violation of any part of the SGVAC Code of Conduct, by individuals or groups, may result in the suspension of privileges to use the SGVAC facility. Individuals or groups reported to be in violation of the Code of Conduct have the right to a hearing before the Board of Directors.  Additionally, we kindly request that attendees of SGVAC observe the following rules and courtesies:

Pets: With the exception of service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), no pets are allowed within the SGVAC facility.
Bicycles: Bicycles are not permitted within the facility.
Responsibility for Children: Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children at all times while on the premises.
Respect for Neighbors: All attendees are asked to be courteous and respectful toward our neighbors. Please refrain from loud conversations, offensive language, and respect their property and parking access.
Personal Property: SGVAC is not liable for theft or damage to personal property of individuals or groups using the facility.

Note:  SGVAC and its Board of Directors prefer and hope that all groups using the facility, in the spirit of autonomy, make every effort to resolve issues arising within their meetings at the group level. Please address individual concerns to your group secretary. 


The San Gabriel Valley Alano Club prioritizes the well-being of all its members and visitors, ensuring a healthy and safe environment free from harassment during meetings and social events. To uphold this commitment, the club has formulated a comprehensive policy aimed at preventing all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment. In the event of any such incident, swift and efficient action will be taken to address and resolve the matter promptly.

Sexual Harassment

At the San Gabriel Valley Alano Club, we maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards the display of pornographic, racist, or offensive signs or images. We also prohibit practical jokes that cause discomfort or embarrassment, as well as any form of unwelcome sexual innuendos, invitations, or requests, whether explicit or indirect.

Sexual harassment encompasses unwelcome and offensive behavior of a sexual nature. Examples of sexual harassment include actions such as pinching, patting, rubbing, or leering, as well as the use of vulgar or suggestive language, gestures, off-color jokes, explicit pictures, or pornographic materials. It can also involve comments, suggestions, innuendos, repeated date requests, stalking, or any demands or requests of a sexual nature. It's important to note that the behavior does not need to be intentional to be considered sexual harassment.

We firmly believe that all forms of harassment are unacceptable and have a detrimental impact on the safety and sobriety of our members and visitors. Such behavior is offensive, often intimidating others and disrupting the unity of our community. We are committed to maintaining a club environment where harassment is not tolerated under any circumstances.

It's essential to distinguish that occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature are not considered sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is not based on mutual attraction, friendship, or respect. If an interaction is consensual, welcomed, and reciprocated, it does not fall under the category of sexual harassment. It specifically refers to behavior that is unwelcome, personally offensive, creates fear, undermines group unity, and poses a threat to sobriety.

Discriminatory Harassment

Discriminatory harassment encompasses the unwelcome verbal or physical conduct directed towards a member or visitor based on various characteristics, including race, religious beliefs, color, gender, physical or mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, or sexual orientation.

At the San Gabriel Valley Alano Club, we firmly stand against all forms of harassment and maintain a policy of zero tolerance. We will not tolerate any instances of verbal or physical abuse, threats, derogatory remarks, jokes, innuendos, or taunts that target an individual's race, religious beliefs, color, gender, physical or mental disabilities, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status, or sexual orientation.

Reporting Harassment

The San Gabriel Valley Alano Club recognizes the importance of addressing physical and/or sexual harassment within individual meetings and through sponsorship. However, it is our legal responsibility to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests utilizing our facility. If complaints cannot be resolved at the meeting or sponsor level, individuals are strongly encouraged to report the issue to the club manager, club president, or any member of the board for further consideration.

In situations where there is immediate danger to any member, a meeting secretary, the club manager, or any member of the board is authorized to suspend the individuals involved from the club for a period of 5 days. This action will be promptly reported to the SGVAC board by completing the form located at, by the individual issueing the suspension. 

During this process, both the complainant and the alleged harasser will be interviewed, along with any other individuals who may provide relevant information. All information shared will be treated with utmost confidentiality. If the situation warrants it, the board is empowered to suspend a member or visitor from entering the premises for a maximum of 90 days, or even impose a permanent ban from the Club. If necessary, the case may also be referred to the appropriate governmental authorities.

It is important to note that the procedure for reporting incidents of harassment is not intended to hinder, replace, or limit any member or visitor's right to seek legal remedies available under state or federal law. Individuals have the option to report the matter directly to the appropriate state or federal agency as deemed necessary.

What To Do If You Are Harassed

To effectively address harassment, please follow these steps:

Assert Boundaries: Clearly and firmly inform the harasser that their behavior is unwelcome and request that they cease their actions. Make it known that their behavior is not acceptable.

Seek Guidance: Inform your sponsor about the issue and seek their advice and support. They can provide valuable guidance throughout the process.

Document Incidents: Keep a detailed record of each incident, noting the date, time, location, potential witnesses, a description of what occurred, and your response. Although not mandatory, these records can strengthen your case and help you recall important details over time.

Lodge a Complaint: If the harassment persists after you have asked the harasser to stop, report the problem to one of the following individuals: meeting secretary, club manager, board president, or any board member. They are responsible for addressing and handling incidents of harassment within the club.  

Written Complaint (Optional): While not obligatory, you may choose to submit a written complaint that clearly outlines the nature of the harassment or offense. This can provide additional clarity and ensure all pertinent details are documented.  Our online Complaint Form can be found here,  

Prompt Action: It is the duty of meeting secretaries, board members, the club manager, or any member or visitor to take immediate and appropriate action upon becoming aware of incidents of harassment, whether brought to their attention or personally observed. Genuine complaints should never be dismissed, downplayed, or disregarded. The complainant should not be advised to handle the situation personally.

Remember, addressing harassment requires a proactive approach, ensuring a supportive environment where complaints are treated seriously and handled with sensitivity.


The San Gabriel Valley Alano Club respects the autonomy of meetings regarding their internal operations and the handling of disturbances or inappropriate behavior before, during, or after meetings. If such behavior occurs during a meeting, it is the responsibility of the meeting secretary or other meeting members to address the situation. Meetings may choose to ask the individual causing the disturbance to leave, suspend their attendance for a specific period, or, if necessary, involve law enforcement. It is important to note that reporting a crime or dangerous situation to the police does not violate the individual's anonymity.

In instances involving the presence of weapons, alcohol or drugs brought into the club, or threats or acts of physical violence, the meeting secretary or any meeting attendee should report these infractions to the Club manager, any board member, or by completing our online complaint form  at  They may request the suspension of the individual from Club meetings and functions. The contact information of the manager and board members is posted on the bulletin board in the front room. If the manager or board member personally witnesses any of the aforementioned behaviors, they may immediately suspend the individual(s) pending a hearing scheduled within 5 days.

Upon issuing the initial suspension, the suspended individual(s) will be informed about the scheduled meeting and every effort will be made to involve them in the process. If the person does not attend the meeting, the suspension will remain in effect until they request to have it lifted, as per the board's decision.  The hearing will involve at least 4 board members, the suspended individual(s), the person who imposed the suspension, and any witnesses who wish to attend. All parties will have the opportunity to present their perspectives, and a decision will be made regarding whether to continue the suspension or readmit the individual(s) to the Club.

The San Gabriel Valley Alano Club acknowledges its legal responsibility to provide a safe environment for all individuals attending meetings. Our intention is not to interfere with the operations of meetings beyond the parameters outlined in the rental agreement and code of conduct. Over the past five years, no permanent bans have been imposed on anyone, and only four temporary suspensions have been enacted.

For further information on the role of Alano Clubs, meeting safety, and harassment in A.A., please refer to the following links.

A.A. Guidelines: Relationship Between A.A.
Clubs Safety and A.A.: Our Common Welfare
SGVAC Code of Conduct 
SGVAC Anti-Harassment Policy

Approved by the SGVAC Board of Directors, 03/21/24


Table of Contents

Section A. Name 
Section B. Incorporation
Section C. Mission
Section D. Nondiscrimination
Section E. Fiscal Year
Section F. Precedence

Section A. Eligibility
Section B. Dues
Section C. Voting Rights

Section A. Annual Membership Meeting
Section B. Quorum
Section C. Special Membership Meetings

Section A. Purpose
Section B. Eligibility
Section C. Composition and Term
Section D. Elections
Section E. Vacancies
Section F. Succession
Section G. Responsibilities
Section H. Board Meetings

Section A. Appointment
Section B. Confirmation and Term
Section C. Composition and Responsibilities
Section D. Ad Hoc and Special Committees




Section A: Name

The name of the corporation is San Gabriel Valley Alano Club (DBA “The 502 Club”).

Section B: Incorporation

The SAN GABRIEL VALLEY ALANO CLUB, hereinafter in these by-laws referred to either as the corporation or as the club, is a non-profit corporation, organized under and pursuant to the provisions of the General Non-Profit Corporation Law of the State of California (Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 1 of the Corporations Code). The primary purpose for which this corporation is organized is to establish and maintain a social club for adult persons who, by their own admission, are alcoholics and who are interested in enjoying some club and social activities among themselves while maintaining their sobriety, and for other adult people who, although not themselves alcoholics, may find themselves, for reasons of friendship or otherwise, interested in supporting and belonging to such a club. No part of the earnings of this club or corporation shall inure to the benefit of any private member, shareholder, or individual. The purposes of this corporation do not contemplate the distribution of gains, profits, or dividends to the members, thereof, and this corporation shall not distribute any gains, profits or dividends to any of its members, as such, at any time.


Section A. Eligibility

Anyone who attends 12-step meetings at SGVAC is eligible to become a member.

Section B. Dues

1. Monthly dues are fixed and determined by the Board.

2. A member in good standing is defined as one who is current on dues and adheres to the Club’s Code of Conduct.

3. A member who has not paid dues for three consecutive months shall be dropped from the membership rolls. In order for membership to be reinstated in good standing, a member must. become current with dues.

Section C. Voting Rights

1. By a simple majority, each member in good standing has one vote on the following matters and only on these matters:

     a. Electing the Board of Directors.
     b. Amending bylaws or any matter at a duly called Annual Membership Meeting.
     c. Any matter brought forth at a duly called Special Membership Meeting.
     d. President only votes in case of a tie vote to break the tie.

2. A two-thirds majority of those present must approve the merger or dissolution of the corporation or the sale of real estate at a duly called Annual Membership Meeting or a duly called Special. Membership Meeting.


Section A. Annual Membership Meeting

The voting membership shall meet annually. The annual meeting shall be held on the third. week of January at a time and place to be announced and posted by the President.

Section B Quorum

Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at all membership meetings. A simple majority rules of members present unless otherwise noted.

Section C. Special Membership Meetings

1. Upon request of the Board, the President shall call a Special Membership Meeting.

2. The Special Membership Meeting notice must be posted at the SGVAC at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. The notice shall state the purpose of the meeting and no other. business than that specified in the notice shall be transacted at said meeting.


Section A. Purpose

The Board of Directors (hereinafter, Board) will manage the business affairs and property of the SGVAC. The Board will endeavor to provide a safe, secure, positive environment for recovery.

Section B. Eligibility

A Nominee for the Board:
   1. Must be a member in good standing for six consecutive months at the time of nomination.

   2. An Alcoholics Anonymous nominee must have a minimum of two years of continuous sobriety at the time of their nomination.

Section C. Composition and term

1. The Board consists of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and four Directors: Directors of Rules and Regulations, Events, Membership, Maintenance, and Information Technology.

2. The Board is elected for a two-year term beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31.

3. The President may serve unlimited terms but must be re-elected every 2 years. Any part of a year shall count as a full term.

4. All other Directors may serve unlimited terms but will also have to be re-elected every 2 years.

Section D. Election

1. Election of the Board by members in good standing is held on the second Tuesday of December between the hours of 9 am and 8 pm and shall be by individual ballot of the members.

Section E Vacancies

1. A vacancy occurs when a director:

     a. Ceases to be a member in good standing.
     b. Has two consecutive unexcused (no call/no show) absences from the monthly Board meetings. The       removal will be automatic.
     c. Is appointed to an officer position.
     d. Resigns a position, or
     e. A vacancy is declared by a two-thirds majority of the Board.
     f. Director is not fulling the duties of that position.

2. Upon recommendation of the President and with confirmation by a majority of Directors, a member in good standing shall be appointed to fill the vacancy. The appointee will serve. until the end of the current term.

Section F. Line of Succession

1. When a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the current President will select and recommend their replacement to be approved by the rest of Board. The approval must be unanimous. The new President will select their Executive Team (Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), also to be approved by the rest of Board. If, during the vacancy, the Presidential role is not filled the Vice President will take on the presidential duties of selecting the candidate.

2 Other vacancies are filled by appointment of the President, subject to a vote of approval by the full Board. The approval must be unanimous.

Section G. Officer Responsibilities

1. President

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation. The President:

a. Has general and active management of the business of the corporation
b. Presides over all Board, executive committee, and member meetings.
c. Rules on all points of order.
d. Sees that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.
e. Has any and all powers usually vested in the President of a corporation.
f. Is an ex officio of all committees.
g. Appoints, with Board confirmation, members of all standing, ad hoc, and special. committees
h. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

2. Vice-President

The Vice-President:

a. Executes such responsibilities as the President may assign them.
b. Performs the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
c. Chairs the Building and Grounds committee
d. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

3. Secretary

The Secretary:

a. Attends all Board, membership, and special meetings.
b. Records the true minutes of member and Board meetings
c. Makes available copies of those minutes as directed by the Board.
d. Has custody of the corporation’s records except those assigned to the Treasurer.
e. Maintains membership records.
f. Prepares and posts necessary notices and documents for elections and membership meetings. 
g. Purges files yearly, according to Records Retention Policy
h. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

4. Treasurer

The Treasurer is the chief financial officer of the corporation. The Treasurer:

a. Attends all Board, membership, and special meetings.
b. Maintains and directs operation of the cash register.
c. Deposits the Corporation’s funds in the depository(ies) designated by the Board.
d. Is custodian of the corporate financial accounts and may issue checks under them. signature
e. Pays the bills and accounts for the corporation.
f. Produces required monthly and annual corporate financial statements.
g. Files required reports to governmental agencies.
h. Retains a prudent reserve in savings.
i. Is a resource and support for grant writing.
j. Recommends semiannual and annual audits.
k. Purges files yearly, according to Records Retention Policy (important papers or property should be kept for a minimum of five years)
l. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

5. Director of Rules and Regulations

a. Helps enforce the club’s code of conduct and rules and regulations.

6. Director of Events/ Entertainment

a. Plan and execute at least 5 events a year.
b. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

7. Director of Membership

a. Keeps track of membership dues and list of members in good standing.
b. Reminds members to pay their dues.
c. Organizes membership drives.
d. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

8. Maintenance

a. Helps with facility maintenance.
b. Schedules outside contractors when needed.
c. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

9. Information Technology

a. Helps maintain the club’s website and social media platforms.
b. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.

10. Club Manager

a. Manages the Clubs counter sales, the assistant manager, and volunteers.
b. Is an employee of the organization.
c. Purchases materials for resale or for consumption
d. Has the authority to enforce the code of conduct policy.
e. Fills in Treasurer duties as needed, when assigned.

10. Assistant Club Manager

a. Assists the Club Manager

Section H. Board Meetings

1. Regular Meetings

The Board shall meet at least once a month to conduct corporate business. Five Directors constitute a quorum. In extenuating circumstances, Directors may attend by phone.

2. Special Meetings

A special meeting may be called at any time by the President or by any three members of the Board. Each Board member must be notified no less than 48 hours before the meeting. The posted notice of the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting and no business other than that specified in the notice shall be transacted at said meeting.

3. Emergency Meetings

In an emergency, a meeting of the Board may be called by the President or by any three Directors provided each Director is notified no less than twelve hours before said meeting.

The meeting notice shall state the purpose of the meeting and no other business shall be. transacted.


Section A. Appointments

The President appoints members of standing committees.

1. Rules and Regulations / Code of Conduct Committee
2. Audit Committee
3. Building and Grounds Committee
4. Finance Committee
5. Entertainment Committee

Section B. Confirmation and Term

1. Appointments are confirmed by the Board.
2. Appointments are for one year. There are no term limits.

Section C: Composition and Responsibilities

1. The Rules and Regulations / Code of Conduct Committee will consist primarily of the Board of Directors and the Club Manager. They will draft and modify the Rules and Regulations / Code of Conduct and present to the Members at the Annual Membership meeting whenever there is a change. Please see current Rules and Regulations / Code of Conduct attached below.

2. The Audit Committee consists of the Treasurer and two SGVAC members. The committee will semiannually review financial documents relating to the Treasurer and provides its findings to the Board.

3. The Building and Grounds Committee consists of the Vice President and two SGVAC members. The Vice-President chairs the committee. The committee:
     a. is responsible for the care and maintenance of the SGVAC real property.
     b. recommends to the Board the appointment of a Head Caretaker and oversees their duties.
     c. directs the custodian’s duties regarding management of building services and recommends their compensation to the Board.
     d. supervises purchase and maintenance of insurance policies.

4. The Entertainment Committee consists of three members. The committee organizes, facilitates, and makes an accounting of SGVAC sponsored events.

5. The Finance Committee consists of the President, the Treasurer, and one SGVAC member at large who offers direction and advice to the Treasurer regarding club finances.

Section D. Ad Hoc and Special Committees

The President appoints other committees as the need arises. Ad hoc committees:

1. consist of no fewer than three members nor more than ten members
2. are given a specific charge by the Board and exist until the charge is met
3. may consult with members who have experience or expertise to aid the committee in meeting their charges


Any amendment to the bylaws must be presented to the annual membership meeting or to a special membership meeting. Proposed amendments must be in writing. An affirming vote to the amendment(s) by a majority of members in good standing present and voting at such meeting. constitutes approval. Amendment(s) are effective after approval upon publication. These original articles have been adopted by the Board of Directors effective 1/31/2024.