Welcome to The 502 Club

Founded in 1968, The San Gabriel Valley Alano Club, also known as the 502 Club, is one of the oldest hubs of recovery and communities for alcoholics in the San Gabriel Valley. As well as providing a space for daily meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, our clubhouse is a central gathering place for sober fellowship and camaraderie.

Upcoming Event

Join us April 19th for a fun filled Friends & Family Feud Game night. Watch as six teams compete for the grand prize. Sign up at the club to compete or get your pre-sale tickets today!

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don't give up. You are not alone, you matter signage on metal fence

Welcome to the 502 Club

The San Gabriel Valley Alano Club is a meeting place for recovery groups to have meetings on a regular basis.  We provide social and recreational activities for the recovering addict/alcoholic and their families in a clean and sober environment.  We are a source of information about the diseases of alcoholism and addiction.  We welcome anyone seeking assistance in the recovery process.  We are a non-profit corporation owned solely by its members and funded entirely through dues, contributions and retail sales.


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